DataPLANT News

18 Jun 2024

DataPLANT applies for continuation within the scope of the 2nd funding phase of the NFDI

On June 18 2024, DataPLANT sent the letter of intent to the DFG, which is the prerequisite for submitting a follow-up proposal. We plan to largely retain the structure of the task areas, but make adjustments in a few areas. We are aiming to involve the community more closely, following the reviewers' recommendations for focus and consolidation. For this reason, the community has been expanded regarding the number of participants and participating institutions. It is intended to provide geostrategic coverage and data steward support...

5 Jun 2024

Meeting of Coordinators and PIs with Developers in DataPLANT and NFDI4BIOIMAGE Projects

In the beginning of June we had a lively discussion on the current status of development in Virtual Infrastructure ontop of OpenStack and options for tighter collaborations between NFDI consortia following the Management Circle meeting of the NFDI in Freiburg. The exchange focused on...

4 Jun 2024

NFDI Management Circle meets in Freiburg

On June 4-5 the NFDI Management circle met in Freiburg. We discussed workflows and collaborations within the NFDI as well as between and within our consortia...

28 May 2024

Connecting helpdesks in Geo-Chem-Lifescience

DataPLANT connected with other consortia from the Geo-Chem-Lifesciences field in Bremen on May 27-28. We discussed helpdesks models and support structures

7 May 2024

NFDI management circle meets in Braunschweig

On May 7-8 communicators from various NFDI consortia met at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig. We talked about science communication...

6 May 2024

CEPLAS research data policy builds on collaboration with DataPLANT

The first version of the CEPLAS data policy was adopted by the steering committee on February 23rd, 2024. It supports CEPLAS researchers with FAIR data management. We are happy that CEPLAS data management builds on the cooperation with DataPLANT. Research data is organized...

30 Apr 2024

Software and Data Management - Developing a proposal for Base4NFDI

Following the presentation at the end of March in the RSE Working Group and the well-attended online session of the Common Infrastructure Section in mid-April, DataPLANT is now in the process of writing a proposal for Base4NFDI with the input to promote a potential joint service. We have been using GitLab in the consortium for some time for our DataHUB,...

26 Apr 2024

Cross consortium exchange - NFDI4Biodiversity All Hands Conference in Munich

From April 24 to 26 2024, the NFDI4Biodiversity All Hands Conference - the central meeting for all members of the project - took place on the premises of the Directorate General of the State Archives in Munich. The conference focused on the concrete progress made by NFDI4Biodiversity in recent years, as well as the challenges and plans for 2024 and 2025...

17 Apr 2024

DataPLANT participated in the recent Common Infrastructure Online Assembly

DataPLANT participated in the recent Common Infrastructure Online Assembly, the primary coordination platform for infrastructure development, held on the 17th April. In this setting all NFDI consortia convene to discuss shared interests on infrastructure development, joint services and the advancement of Base4NFDI. During the assembly, discussions revolved around various topics. DataPLANT provided input on a relevant topic, the shared by many required of a versioning software solution, a matter to be addressed by the consortia...

16 Apr 2024

NFDI Statement on the key points paper of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

DataPLANT was involved in the creation of the statement on the key points paper of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research on the Research Data Act. The consortium welcomes the objectives outlined in the BMBF key points paper on the Research Data Act to improve access to scientific data in general. To this end, the National Research Data Infrastructure consortium adopted a statement...

10 Apr 2024

DataPLANT hosted Hands-On Symposium on ARC communication and interoperability

The three day symposium on ARC communication and interoperability took place in Boppard. Besides several DataPLANT colleagues there were also participants from FAIRAGRO, NFDI4BIOIMAGE and NFDI4BIODIVERSITY...

9 Apr 2024

Planning beyond 2028: NFDI Taskforce Governance and Sustainability

Starting for the follow up grant application of the DataPLANT consortium we are joining forces with other consortia to shape the future vision and development of the NFDI. On the 9th April the second online meeting of the Taskforce Governance and Sustainability was held. DataPLANT is becoming actively involved in the Taskforce Governance and Sustainability of the NFDI. The taskforce is currently working on formulating a joint position paper that outlines how the NFDI should evolve from the perspective...

5 Apr 2024

Request for support: Unconference Session "towards a barrier-free research data management in European Plant Science" at the EOSC Symposium 2024

The EOSC Symposium 2024 (October 21 - 23) is vital to orchestrate activities for research data management (RDM) in Europe. Because of the strong partnership of EOSC and German NFDI program the symposium is a perfect place to mesh infrastructures, architectures, services, use cases, standards and train activities.

3 Apr 2024

Discussing GitLab as a central NFDI service for code and data

DataPLANT participated in the RSE meeting on March 25th to present “GitLab based DataHUB for RDM: Learning from open source software development”. The research software engineers working group is part of the common infrastructure section of the NFDI that meets monthly to discuss software related aspects...

14 Mar 2024

Collaborative ties between DataPLANT and the MAdLand consortium

MAdLand (Molecular Adaptation to Land) is a DFG-priority programme research consortium exploring the molecular mechanism behind the transition of plant life from water to land. DataPLANT and MAdLand share common goals in terms of FAIR science, and are committed to close collaboration and open sharing of tools and resources.

7 Mar 2024

MAdLand presents at Molecular Biology of Plants (MBP) Conference

Deepti Varshney and Saskia Hiltemann from the University of Freiburg and the MAdLand consortium presented a poster entitled "MAdLand Resources & Tools" at the MBP2024 conference in Hennef. In this poster presentation they highlighted the close collaborations between MAdLAnd and DataPLANT.

29 Feb 2024

DataPLANT at GoPMF Kickoff Meeting in Münster

Outreach and the establishment of new collaborations is of great importance for DataPLANT to involve our community in the constant improvement of our tools and service landscape.

23 Feb 2024

MAdLand presents at DOMPS Plant Science Seminar

Deepti Varshney and Saskia Hiltemann from the University of Freiburg and MAdLand consortium presented a talk entitled "MAdLand Resources & Tools" at the Plant Science Seminar organised by the Department of Molecular Plant Sciences in Freiburg. In this presentation they highlighted the close collaborations between MAdLAnd and DataPLANT.

16 Feb 2024

NFDI wide Workshop on the development and implementation of basic services (Base4NFDI) and DataPLANT's contribution

DataPLANT took part in an online workshop on the development and implementation of basic services coordinated by the NFDI. The objectives of the workshop held by Base4NFDI the 16th February online was to define the future development of basic services and to agree upon how consortia could or should commit to adopting a (potential) core service during the integration phase. With first service reaching phase three it needs to be clarified how the commitment should look like. For this a discussion on...

6 Feb 2024

DataPLANT at the DFG mid-term symposium on the NFDI

The recent DFG mid-term symposium in Bonn provided a platform for DataPLANT to showcase its progress and objectives in advancing data management practices within the realm of plant science. With representatives including Cristina Martins Rodrigues as project coordinator, Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters representing both the plant research community and being head of NFDI4BioImaging, Björn Usadel as the metadata and standardization specialist, Timo Mühlhaus for application development and Data Steward...

19 Dec 2023

Considerations on challenges in connection with research software

As part of the BioDATEN Science Data Center associated with DataPLANT, an assessment of research software was developed together with the other Science Data Centers in the FDM working group in Baden-Württemberg and has just been published on "Bausteine FDM" online journal.

12 Dec 2023

DataPLANT and NFDI4BIOIMAGE discussing local and NFDI strategies on sustainability

Exchange of ideas on how to integrate NFDI (National Research Data Infrastructure) and enhance Research Data Management (RDM) services at local institutions becomes a topic of rising importance not only for DataPLANT and NFDI4BIOIMAGE. Addressing the challenge of spreading the NFDI concept across large research institutions with diverse involvement in the different subject and method specific consortia is crucial. Grant proposals of upcoming research projects should tailor their approach towards RDM by considering discipline-specific NFDI consortia...

1 Dec 2023

Contributions of DataPLANT at the E-Science Tage 2023 now available

We already reported the participation of DataPLANT at this year's E-Science Tage in Heidelberg. Now the proceedings and indidividual papers are publicly available online. Research in the digital transformation requires a coordinated environment. The E-Science Days 2023 offered those responsible and interested the opportunity to exchange ideas and network on current developments in the field of research data management. With the theme "Empower Your Research - Preserve Your Data", the focus...

29 Nov 2023

DataPLANT members participated in the first NFDI4BIOIMAGE - TA3-Hackathon at CECAD at the University of Cologne

All participants from various Task Areas (TAs) of NFDI4BIOIMAGE and Heinrich Lukas Weil from DataPLANT actively contributed via presentations, hacking, discussion and documentation on four topics. These correspond to various measures in TA3 (and TA1 & TA5) of NFDI4BIOIMAGE comprising OMERO-ARC interoperability, REMBI and mapping as well as the Neuroglancer...

22 Nov 2023

Collaborative Workshop Strengthens Interconnection of FDM Helpdesks Across Consortia and Beyond

In a collaborative effort to enhance the landscape of research data management (RDM), a two-day workshop on networking FDM helpdesks took place on November 20th and 21st, 2023, at the University of Duisburg-Essen. The event, which included participants beyond the DataPLANT Consortium, saw the gathering of professionals from institutional FDM contact points, NFDI helpdesks, and support initiatives from FDM state initiatives...

10 Nov 2023

BioHackathon Europe in Barcelona Fostered Collaborative Advances on Bioinformatics Tools and International Exchange of (DataPLANT) Developers

Last week, from October 30th to November 3rd, ELIXIR organized the BioHackathon Europe in Barcelona, drawing international participants, including Timo Mühlhaus, Jonathan Bauer, Lukas Weil, Xiaoran Zhou, and Björn Grüning from the DataPLANT team. The event fostered collaboration, discussions, and shared experiences among 150 participants from across Europe and even Australia...

24 Oct 2023

Published paper - Streamlining Research Data Management in Plant Sciences

DataPLANT aims to support fundamental plant researchers in data management in various ways. Planning is a crucial component especially in the grant application and setup period of projects. Plant sciences present specific RDM needs, with unique data types and - DataPLAN. It addresses challenges in Research Data Management (RDM) specific to plant sciences....

19 Oct 2023

Deepen the collaboration of DataPLANT and NFDI4BIOIMAGE - All-Hands Meeting in Düsseldorf

Colleagues from DataPLANT were present at the three day all-hands event of NFDI4BIOIMAGE in Düsseldorf to further deepen the already started cooperation between the two consortia. NFDI4BIOIMAGE is an consortium of the third round in the National Research Data Infrastructure to foster the Research Data Management for Microscopy and Bioimage Analysis.Joint considerations for the use of the Annotated Research Context have already been made for the grant application and for a CoRDI poster...

18 Sep 2023

DataPLANT attended the 1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure

DataPLANT attended the 1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure, which took place from 12. - 14. September in Karlsruhe. Research data are the foundation of knowledge and innovation in all scientific fields. The key to harnessing these data treasures is a powerful infrastructure for establishing interdisciplinary research data management. Under the motto "Connecting Communities", more than 700 national and international stakeholders from all fields of research as well as from the infrastructure sector...

4 Sep 2023

Step-by-step Integration of Galaxy Workflows

As a core objective we aimed to provide a science gateway that serves as a technical foundation, enabling plant researchers to access approaches inspired by software engineering for data management. Over the past two years, we have developed the DataPLANT DataHUB, a comprehensive platform offering various research data management (RDM) workflows to support data scientists throughout the entire data life cycle. These workflows encompass activities such as data annotation, structuring, and ultimately, the publication of research outcomes...

27 Aug 2023

DataPLANT participates in Base4NFDI IAM workshop on Community AAI solutions

DataPLANT's IAM experts participated in the second workshop which was held on the afternoon of August 24, 2023, as part of the IAM4NFDI Community Events. The purpose of these events is to disseminate fundamental Identity and Access Management (IAM) knowledge related to a the goal of a common NFDI AAI, provide information on the various facets of the Basic Service, and gather valuable feedback. The workshop started with an introduction and Recap to set the context for the workshop's objectives and inform all...

18 Aug 2023

DataPLANT participates in the Base4 initialization phase proposal

Research software plays a major role in RDM besides data. DataPLANT recognizes this already with the formulation of the ARC specification taking software and workflows into account as well. To obtain a better overview within the wide field of research software will implement a central marketplace. The idea is to enable a seamless access to the extensive portfolio of research software in the domains of the different NFDI consortia, for facilitating discovery...

6 Jul 2023

DataPLANT at the Open-Science-Festival

DataPLANT as a consortium in the National Research Data Infrastructure is committed to Open Science. The ZBmed, Information Center for Life Sciences and a key player in the NFDI, was host for the Open Science Festival 2023. DataPLANT was there for new ideas on how Open-Science and Open-Data becomes practice. OSF 2023 is one of the premier events for open science. Workshops and lightening talks presented tools and use-cases, but also asked whether the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz is suitable to...

3 Jul 2023

DataPlant Scientific Board Meeting

End of June the DataPLANT Scientific Board meeting was held online to discuss the progress of the ongoing developments within the NFDI consortium. The developments are based on two main principles: personnel assistance and technical support, and infrastructure. The following key points were addressed...

16 Jun 2023

DataPLANT participated in the 15th International Workshop on Science Gateways

DataPLANT actively participated in the 15th International Workshop on Science Gateways held in Tübingen, Germany from 13th to 15th June. The workshop aimed to bring together researchers, scientists, software engineers, and Science Gateway developers from various domains to discuss challenges, share solutions, and shape the future directions of Science Gateways in e-Science...

10 May 2023

RPTU Summer School on Fundamentals of Research Data Management

Always wanted to understand the fundamentals of research data management? Join us for our Summer School the week of July 17th to 21th, 2023...

2 May 2023

DataPLANT is providing an updated training and demonstration environment for its tools and services accessible remotely

In the course of the preparations for the KIDA-I6 retreat hosted by the BfRwe thoroughly updated the training and teaching infrastructure and pushed the installed DataPLANT tools to their latest versions. The infrastructure is a virtual desktop environment which uses the remote access functionality of the PC pool system "bwLehrpool" in Freiburg as a backend. The environment is available through the DataPLANT entry proxy via, which then redirects. At this point, select "Normal operation" for the pre-test...

28 Apr 2023

DataPLANT releases a first version of the Docker Image for the DataHUB on-premise installation

The DataPLANT DataHUB as a science gateway is primarily backed by the open source GitLab framework. It provides an entry point to our various services, starting with a versioned, generated web page and additional modules for community interaction. The DataHUB platform is where the DataPLANT Annotated Research Contexts (ARCs) evolve to a certain state. This can be done either on the central DataPLANT instance or on various on premise...

25 Apr 2023

DataPLANT participated in the KIDA I6 Retreat

DataPLANT recently participated in the KIDA I6 Retreat, held on April 24th and 25th, 2023 in Berlin Alt-Marienfelde at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, 4SZ Study Centre for Food Chain Modelling and Artificial Intelligence, Department of Biological Safety. The retreat aimed to generate synergies between projects, with several topics presented during the event, including...

3 Mar 2023

Participation of DataPLANT at the E-Science-Tage 2023

Given the slogan "Empower Your Research - Preserve Your Data", of course we didn't miss the opportunity to be part of the E-Science Days this year. In addition to the numerous contributions, the fact that contrary to last time we were able to meet in person in Heidelberg was great. We gave an overview of our homegrown data management plan assistance tool, named DataPLAN, and on how we are attempting to close the ontology gap and also what challenges we encountered when creating a data repository...

17 Feb 2023

Participation of DataPLANT at Love Data Week 2023

This year's Love Data Week was attended by several NFDI consortia, which given the cutting-edge topic "Data - Agent of Change," is not surprising. Together with the NFDI consortia NFDI4Microbiota and NFDI4Biodiversity, a panel discussion entitled "Wind of change - sharing is caring! How to improve research data and its benefits in the life sciences." was held at the University of Bremen. Making data-driven decisions in the life sciences has a huge effect on the well-being...

9 Feb 2023

Data Competence Centers for Science - Meeting in Berlin

DataPLANT was present at the joint networking meeting of the NFDI and the applicants in the second grant application round for the data competence centers (DCC) an EU-funded project to improve data literacy in science. This was a full-day event at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research on February 9 in Berlin. To start, there was a presentation of the NFDI Edutrain section, the collaborative project Knowledge-Graph of the Data Literacy Alliance (DALIA), and a presentation...

26 Oct 2022

New Swate version delivers increased search performance

We have just released the newest version of Swate, our Excel tool for simplifying the addition of standardized metadata for your experimental workflows by leveraging a simple use of ontologies. Together with the new changes in ISADotNet and Swobup we are now able to provide a much better search performance and a more stable experience for all users. Neo4j, as a GraphDB, was implemented for a restructuring of SwateDB, yielding a performance boost for our related term directed search. This especially...

25 Oct 2022

3rd ARC Hackathon at the Forschungszentrum Jülich

We were glad to finally meet again in person for an ARC Hackathon at Forschungszentrum Jülich. The goal of the event was to work on improving DataPLANTs solution for FAIR data. The Annotated Research Context and its associated tools and services.

27 Sep 2022

Create your own Data Management Plan with DataPLAN

A Data Management Plan (DMP) structures the handling of research data in a scientific project and describes how to deal with the data during and after the end of your project. Many third-party funders, such as DFG, Horizon Europe, or BMBF expect you to provide these information as part of your funding application.

16 Sep 2022

DataPLANT participated in the workshop "Forschungssoftware managen

Two colleagues in the DataPLANT consortium participated in the workshop "Forschungssoftware managen" held at Stuttgart University mid September. The workshop was initiated by the DINI/nestor e.V. and brought together software developers and research data management specialists from various institutes, experts from service providers and university libraries.

15 Aug 2022

DataPLANT published Knowledge Base

DataPLANT has developed a Knowledge Base for research data management (RDM) in fundamental plant research. The Knowledge Base is divided into three sections, which build upon each other. Within the Fundamentals section, researchers are provided with knowledge about principles of RDM, such as the FAIR Data Principles or “What is metadata?”. As the header already indicates, the second section is on how DataPLANT is implementing these aspects to support plant researchers with sophisticated and straight-forward structures, tools and services for their RDM. At the moment...

8 Jul 2022

MAdLand and DataPLANT signed a Memorandum of Understanding

On 8th July the MadLand project represented by Prof. Dr. Stefan A. Rensing and DataPLANT represented by its speaker signed a Memorandum of Understanding on joint collaboration in research data management in fundamental plant research. Both parties share the same goals to reach FAIRification of research data as in modern plant research, scientists increasingly rely on research data management (RDM) for the effective acquisition, processing, archival, and sharing of research data sets...

23 Jun 2022

DataPLANT participated in the JCDL Satellite Event

DataPLANT participated in the JCDL Satellite Event on 23rd June 2022. It presented it's background and activities on research data management in the workshop "RDM and DP communities: Finding the common ground to develop a collaborative future service landscape". Long-term access to research data is one of the major goals of the NFDI. Our consortium is strongly committed to research data management and the necessary technical and organizational frameworks. Before the start of DataPLANT the participants...

19 May 2022

DataPLANT infrastructure and services at upcoming NFDI Tool Talk

The infrastructure development team of DataPLANT will present “The current state of developments in the DataPLANT infrastructure and services” at the upcoming NFDI tool talks. The tool talks are open to the wider NFDI community and foster the exchange between the practitioners and developers in research data management tools and services. It allows us to verify our concepts and receive feedback on the principles and ideas before advancing them to the next level. The presentation follows up...

10 May 2022

First DataPLANT progress seminar on “Considerations and the state of developments in the DataPLANT infrastructure and services”

Today we held our first DataPLANT progress seminar on “Considerations and the state of developments in the DataPLANT infrastructure and services” attended by the majority of personnel associated to or working for the consortium. The core motivation was to provide an overview on the actual infrastructure developments over the last couple of month and its core design principles. The developments follow up on the propositions from the...

29 Apr 2022

DataPLANT participates in Base4NFDI

From the very beginning, the National Infrastructure has been dedicated to the common topics spanning all consortia. At the beginning, common cross-cutting topics were agreed upon in a meeting in Berlin. Subsequently, based on this, four sections were established by the Scientific Senate on 1.10.2021. The following sections have been launched...

25 Apr 2022

Several papers published in the E-Science Days 2021 conference proceedings

DataPLANT participated in last year's E-Science Days 2021 in various forms. We provided an overview on the Annotated Research Context (ARC), ongoing technical developments for an initial set of annotation tools, and our approach to the use of data stewards. We also participated in the NFDI workshop and one of our infrastructure partners, bwSFS - Storage-for-Science, was also present with a poster...

1 Apr 2022

Assembly of the consortia in the NFDI on 1st April

As part of the governance of the NFDI Association quarterly assembly of the NFDI consortia (1st and 2nd round, 19 consortia in total) took place online. Before heading to the most significant topic of the state of the Base4NFDI grant application new (co-)heads of the assembly got elected. Andreas Witt of Text+ was proposed for the speaker role, Dirk von Suchodoletz of DataPLANT stood for (re-)election as co-speaker for this body. Both got elected for the coming two years...

25 Mar 2022

Overarching activities of DataPLANT in the evolvement of the NFDI

With the completed onboarding of the second round of NFDI consortia the activities within the various bodies of the NFDI Associationare significantly on the rise and DataPLANT is getting more deeply involved in NFDI activities than originally foreseen. Activities are required in several fields starting from contributions to the four (later more) sections of the NFDI, providing input to various topics like DSI/Nagoya or cooperation with other NFDI consortia and contribution to the NFDI as a whole...

24 Mar 2022

Participation in the Letter-of-Intent of the Base4NFDI initiative

DataPLANT joined beside the other NFDI consortia the Base4NFDI initiative on base services. It sees itself in a potential role as an incubator for RDM tools and services motivated by the needs of the fundamental plant research community. In DataPLANT, requirement profiles are created in the form of usable prototypes that are further developed in an agile and interactive process in exchange with the professional community. The resulting focus of DataPLANT is on the joint design and development of these tools and services, with the following emphasis ...

23 Mar 2022

DataPLANT introduced FAIR principles for management of reasearch data to the department of Plant Physiology at the TU Kaiserslautern

Our manager Cristina Martins Rodrigues, herself formerly part of the working group, took the opportunity of having a new large data set to present the FAIR principles and the relevance of research data management to the Plant Physiology Department at the TU kaiserslautern. Subsequently, the audience was given a Quickstart on how to use the tools developed in DataPLANT to familiarize themselves with the topic using their own data as an example. A further meeting has already taken place...

25 Jan 2022

Wrap-up session of 2nd ARC Hackathon

Today, 24 of DataPLANT developers and researchers came together to discuss the progress they made during the latest Hackathon on the Annotated Research Context and its associated tools and services, which took place from 14th to 16th December. In the four-hour event, all participants had the chance to present their key findings or projects that evolved since then in a five-minute talk, followed by quick discussion. The presentations proved to be extremely lively, as some developers chose an interactive live demonstration to showcase their latest tools...

18 Jan 2022

ISO27001 certification of DataPLANT infrastructure

Some research areas in the scope of the DataPLANT also touch the topic of sensible data. The compute centres at the universities in Freiburg and Tübingen therefor implemented a management system for information security for their de.NBI Cloud infrastructures including its certification. These infrastructures also serve DataPLANT and all of its services...

17 Jan 2022

Statement of the assembly of the NFDI consortia on basic services

At the consortium meeting of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) association on January 14, DataPLANT among the consortia represented therein approved the publication of a joint statement on the relevance and success criteria of basic services. Basic service may develop into one of the pillars of the future joint scientific infrastructure for research data management overarching various fields in science...

14 Jan 2022

Consortium Assembly of the NFDI e.V.

On the 14th January 2022, the elected spokespersons met for the consortium meeting of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) e.V. association in accordance with the statutes. The meeting took place as a web conference. After welcome and agreement to the agenda, admission of guests and the acceptance of the rules of procedure, the discussion of the consortium guidelines and discussion and resolution on the statement on basic services...

20 Dec 2021

DataPLANT wishes a Merry Christmas

8 Nov 2021

DataPLANT tools and services development principles

Developing applications and tools that support community-driven research data management requires the engagement of various stakeholders. Software development principles provide high-level guidelines and a collection of considerations to create sought after and maintainable applications and services. In DataPLANT, tool development is always motivated by community requirements conveyed by researchers e.g. through data stewards to developers. The objective in DataPLANT is to provide incremental but regular improvements of the RDM procedures...

7 Oct 2021

DataPLANT-Governance: Technical Board Meeting

The various service and workflow developments as well as suggestions for the infrastructure operation are overseen by the technical board to ensure a structured evolotion of the implementation of the DataPLANT vision and FAIR principles. After one year of DataPLANT a review of the basic infrastructure and adaptation of the strategy according to the experiences made took place. Modular services are envisioned, ...

1 Oct 2021

Governance in DataPLANT - Year one review in Trifels

Fortunately the pandemic situation allowed for a three day in-person meeting for a review of DataPLANT after year one. As other consortia we were not able to completely staff all posts by then and needed to review the work plan to adapt to ongoing developments and insights gathered over the first year. Thus we reviewed of basic infrastructure considerations and adhered to the feedback from the Senior Management Board meeting to emphasize the priority of community services...

30 Sep 2021

Make a september to remember

This September has been a busy month for the DataPLANT team. It started with a trip by our project coordinator Cristina Martins Rodrigues to the Chlamy 2020+1. This is a biennial meeting of all groups working on Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. For the experts on the green alga, the RDM is also an important endeavour to act FAIR.

16 Sep 2021

Preliminary report - Discussion and considerations on ARC based data versioning and sharing

In DataPLANT a working group formed to define a specification of the Annotated Research Context (ARC) and the necessary backend infrastructure for actual data versioning and sharing. This group looks into code repositories as typical processes found in software development align well to the goals of research data management (RDM)...

8 Sep 2021

DataPLANT Governance: Senior Management Board Meeting

On Wednesday, September 08, 2021 the senior management (SMB) board met again to discuss the current status of the project after pretty much one year of DataPLANT. The SMB's objective is the oversight of the general developments, interaction with other consortia and the general NFDI. It takes care of the strategy and standards development and suggests consortium members as experts for the relevant working groups. This meeting's agenda informed on the newly formed NFDI association and its vision, discussed aspects of community integration and public relations...

8 Sep 2021

First ever ARC Hackathon

From 6th to 8th September DataPLANT scientists of the different Task Areas came together at Villa Denis in Frankenstein to continue their work on improving DataPLANTs solution for FAIR data. the Annotated Research Context and its associated tools and services. During the three-day event, the data experts tackled four essential topics. ...

26 Aug 2021

Packaging research artefacts with RO-Crate

Dear DataPLANT Enthusiasts, since the beginning of our project, a lot has happened, always with the goal to improve the Annotated Research Context (ARC) as a FAIR Digital Object. To increase usability, we would like to invite you, the smart minds behind DataPLANT. Together we want to build, use or support ARCs with new tools, templates and ideas...

11 Aug 2021

ARC-Hackathon ahead

Dear DataPLANT Enthusiasts, since the beginning of our project, a lot has happened, always with the goal to improve the Annotated Research Context (ARC) as a FAIR Digital Object. To increase usability, we would like to invite you, the smart minds behind DataPLANT. Together we want to build, use or support ARCs with new tools, templates and ideas...

28 Jul 2021

DataPLANT presented in a NFDI special edition of Bausteine FDM

We are pleased to draw your attention to the new issue of the Open Access journal "Bausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement". In this special issue, various consortia of the first round in the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) are presented. In cooperation with the Board of Directors of the NFDI, a booklet has been created in which consortia from the various disciplines introduce themselves and describe the tasks and challenges in the field of research data management...

26 Jul 2021

Further exchange with the DFG and NFDI directorate on future community integration and onboarding

To advance the understanding and developing its role DataPLANT exchanged ideas with Ms. Kerremans from the DFG and Mr. Sure-Vetter from the NFDI Association on future community integration and onboarding of new participants. The topics we had already talked about e.g. at the NFDI Infratalks were discussed further....

23 Jul 2021

DataPLANT participating in the first NFDI consortium assembly

Today the first meeting of the consortium assembly of the NFDI association took place online. In this meeting the nine initial consortia kicked off another integral part of the NFDI governance. A couple of important personnel decisions were made. The Chair (Christoph Steinbeck of NFDI4Chem) and Vice Chair (Dirk von Suchodoletz of DataPLANT) of the Consortium Assembly have been newly established. These two offices were not previously provided for in the articles of the NFDI Association, but were...

7 Jul 2021

Choosing and deploying a data repository for DataPLANT

A service developer and administrator in DataPLANT Jonathan Bauer from the University of Freiburg gave a presentation on the current state of the deployment of InvenioRDM for the Science Data Center coordination working group on infrastructure. The Invenio repository software is getting production ready and will be deployed as a DataPLANT service for data publication. KeyCloak is providing authentication services and bwSFS ("storage-for-science" in Baden-Württemberg) offering the storage backend...

22 Jun 2021

Election of Dr. Dirk von Suchodoletz as spokesperson of the consortium according to the statutes of NFDI e.V.

We are happy to announce that progress continues to be made regarding the NFDI e.V. As the first consortial assembly will take place at the end of July, we have elected our spokesperson of the DataPLANT consortium on association level last week. We will be represented by Dr. Dirk von Suchodoletz, who also acts as spokesperson for the DFG-funded consortium. Cristina Martins Rodrigues, DataPLANT's project leader, was elected as deputy ...

15 Jun 2021

Advancing the discussion on sustainable financing

DataPLANT got involved into furthering the discussion on sustainable financing via it's co-founding project BioDATEN. In Baden-Wuerttemberg the science data center activities are coordinated by a working group which held a meeting on business models to discuss options to establish sustainable support of research data management. Here, the insights of the NFDI and the state of considerations got presented by the DataPLANT speaker ...

10 Jun 2021

FAIR together – Launching the Collaboration between the NFDI DataPLANT and the HMC Hub Information

The mission of the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) platform and the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) is to improve the findability (Findable), accessibility (Accessible), machine readability (Interoperable), and reusability (Re-usable) of research data across domains, with respect to the FAIR Principles.

8 Jun 2021

DataPLANT: Ongoing exchange with the NFDI and other consortia

DataPLANT plans to cooperate tightly with the NFDI4BIOIMAGE initiative on imaging data handling. This consortium will apply to the 3rd Call for the NFDI in September. Their central objective is to serve the research community with respect to its research data management (RDM) needs in bioimaging, including microscopy, biophotonics and bioimage informatics. To help them assessing the current situation of RDM in bioimaging, they ask for participation in their anonymous NFDI4BIOIMAGE Community Survey ...

4 Jun 2021

GCC2021 Registration & Programme

DataPLANT is deeply involved with Galaxy as a workflow system and thus would like to advertise the upcoming Galaxy Community Conference. The early registration deadline for the 2021 event has been moved back to June 8. This gives you more time to take advantage of the 50% discount off full registration prices, so make sure you sign up now so you don't miss out.

2 Jun 2021

Participation in the upcoming 3rd NFDI conference on 8th July

DataPLANT will participate in the 3rd NFDI conference, held virtually on the **8th July**. The National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) is being established as a cooperative network of consortia over a three-year period (2019-2021) in three stages. DataPLANT was already successful in the first round. As part of the third round of calls, the third NFDI conference will be held in a virtual format on July 8 ...

24 May 2021

NFDI governance: General assembly of the association and the election of the scientific board members

On Tuesday, June 29, 2021 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, the first general member assembly of the National Research Data Infrastructure association (NFDI e.V.) will take place as a virtual event. The objective of the meeting is to elect three scientific members for the Board of Trustees. The election procedure takes place as a general election. The members are entitled to propose persons for the election ...

16 May 2021

DataPLANT will engage further with InvenioRDM for Data Publication

DataPLANT envisions a much stronger role of data publications in the future. To provide the possibility of data publication, DataPLANT prepares to use InvenioRDM, a modern state-of-the-art framework. InvenioRDM is funded primarily through CERN’s using both structural funding as well as grant money. Invenio is a partners driven endeavor to answer data publication needs, and collaborating on InvenioRDM helps with a cheaper and better product. Collaboration-wise InvenioRDM works as an open collaboration without formal project agreements between partners ...

9 Mar 2021

DataPLANT presented at E-Science-Tage

Once again, the E-Science Days were acomplete success. In addition to the other fortunate consortia that have successfully mastered the first round of funding, we were also present with numerous contributions. Benedikt Venn used his poster to explain what an ARC (Annotated Research Context) actually is. Jens Krüger, one of the co-speakers of DataPLANT went in his tech talk into more detail about the Metadata ToolChain, which is offered by DataPLANT up to now. Furthermore, our speaker Dirk ...

2 Mar 2021

DataPLANT presented at NFDI-Talks online series

DataPLANT presented in the second event of the NFDI Talks online series on considerations on project sustainability and community expansion as the total number of researchers covered by the NFDI in Germany should be steadily expanded in the course of the formation process. Additionally the consortia should provide concepts for a long-term perspective after the first funding phase. The ongoing procedures for the formation of new consortia as well as the activities within the already funded ...

25 Feb 2021

Participation of DataPLANT at the E-Science-Tage

DataPLANT focusing on fundamental plant research presents itself in multiple fashion at the upcoming EST. We will give an overview on the Annotated Research Context (ARC), ongoing technical developments for a first set of annotation tools and our concept for the use of Data Stewards. We are also participating in the NFDI workshop and one of our infrastructure partners, bwSFS - Storage-for-Science, will also be along with a poster ...

16 Feb 2021

DataPLANT will give a NFDI talk on community pervasion and sustainability

At the following NFDI talk on March 1, 4 p.m., the speaker of DataPLANT will give a presentation on the current state of the discussion on "Community Pervasion and Sustainability". This contribution addresses the cross-cutting topic of further NFDI development and integrates key aspects discussed since the beginning of the project in September 2020, such as in the speaker jour fix, the exchange with the DFG in mid-January 2021 and the NFDI directorate in February. One of the main goals of each ...

1 Feb 2021

Swobup - the Swate OBO Updater to foster the standardization process

Joint efforts of TaskArea 1 (standardization), TaskArea 2 (technical infrastructure) and TaskArea 3 (data stewards, community support) focusing on the optimization of digital workflows in plant sciences, have enabled one of our developers from Freiburg to implement a tool that facilitates the use of the Swate tool. The tool operates in the background on the Swate Database hosted at the DataPLANT site in Tübingen. Swate is a Swate Workflow Annotation Tool for the Excel spreadsheet application ...

28 Jan 2021

Exchange of ideas on concepts for sustainable operation and community extension

The project coordinator and speaker of DataPLANT had an online meeting with the NFDI representative of the DFG regarding further community involvment and sustainable development of the consortium and the NFDI. In the half hours talk possible ideas got exchanged, how future project applications could foster the developments to support the steadily expanse of the number of researchers represented by the NFDI. This includes the ongoing process of forming consortia as well as the activities within ...

18 Jan 2021

Virtual exchange between NFDI4BioDiversity and DataPLANT

Envisioning the collaboration within all NFDI-consortia, members NFDI4BioDiversity and DataPLANT met at the behinning of the new year for a virtual exchange to discuss cross-cutting issues such as standardization, teaching and qualification, common base level infrastructure, the role of data experts and support in research data management, sustainable financing and consortia extension strategies and common strategies of life sciences-related NFDI consortia. The conversation on the challenging ...

20 Dec 2020

DataPLANT wishes a Merry Christmas

18 Dec 2020

DataPLANT participates in the CfP for the ''E-ScienceTage 2021 - Share Your Research Data''

DataPLANT submitted three proposals following the Call for Papers of the E-Science-Tage 2021: Share Your Research Data scheduled for beginning of March in Heidelberg. The consortium plans to participate in the workshop suggested by the NFDI directorate to present the fundamental plant research community as part of the future research data management landscape. Such an integrated RDM landscape and services enables reproducible research, the linking of interdisciplinary expertise, the sharing of ...

17 Dec 2020

Participation in the virtual HeFDI-Plenary at Philipps-University Marburg

The Hessian Research Data Infrastructures HeFDI hosted its first virtual Plenary on December 17 last year, and DataPLANT was on board. The primary focus of the event was both cross-site networking of RDM-related groups and illustrating the change about the way data is handled. Especially the inspiring keynote by Prof. Dr. Iris Pigeot from BIPS Bremen, entitled "Data Science and Data Sharing - Mission Impossible without Intelligent Research Data Management?" forced the urgency of well conceived ...

11 Dec 2020

Gitlab and large files - data sharing and versioning for the DataPLANT community

DataPLANT needs a solid technical base for collaboration within projects and between (inter)national research groups. This can be achieved through a framework which supports data versioning and sharing. The starting point is the Annotated Research Context (ARC) which got presented in an Kick-Off Task Area 2 "Software / Services". A widely used platform - well beyond it's original purpose of maintaining code in collaborative software projects - is the versioning software Git. As the ARC consists ...

24 Nov 2020

Persistent person identifiers for long time research data

In a significantly networked and highly collaborative scientific field such as plant research, the goal is to jointly use and federate services for data management. With the goal of a well acknowledged data publication in mind a persistent link between research objects like published Annotated Research Contexts (ARC) and persons need to be established and maintained. Of central importance for this objective are persistent identifiers of researchers. Because of the high turnover within this group ...

16 Nov 2020

State of the backend storage infrastructure is evolving

The storage system bwSFS (Storage-for-Science) forms the geo-redundant distributed technical backbone for basic storage services, research data management and sharing of data. It contributes to the storage infrastructure for the DataPLANT community beside the de.NBI infrastructure services. The central storage components of bwSFS are located at the Tübingen and Freiburg computer centers. In order to reasonably manage the intended broad user base of the system - besides DataPLANT, the local ...

30 Oct 2020

Kick-Off Task Area 2 ''Software/Service''

On October, 30th the participants in Task Area 2 gathered to discuss and define the direction of the developments in software, services and infrastructure. The participants bring in a diverse expertise in a broad range of field to foster a lively exchange and a broad range of concepts and ideas to be discussed with the community: Christoph Garth is an expert in visualizing biological data in HPC context, setting up workflows on large data sets and integrating them into services landscape. Stefan ...

22 Oct 2020

DataPLANT is happy to annouce a project coordinator

The DataPLANT NFDI was able to convince Cristina, a highly skilled person about to graduate in fundamental plant research as a project coordinator. She will help to work on DataPLANT mission to combine the technical expertise in the areas of basic plant research, information and computer sciences and infrastructure specialists for supporting plant scientists in the handling of research data in a customized way.

21 Oct 2020

DataPLANT participates in Second NFDI strategy workshops

The second NFDI strategy workshop focused on vision, values, mission as well as on the technical architecture of the NFDI. The workshop was organized by the NFDI Directorate. In the meantime the association has been successfully founded and registered. The directorate has also been completed in terms of personnel. The aim of the workshop was to sharpen the vision through the participating consortia: Why are we doing this and what kind of world do we dream of? There was also an exchange about ...

5 Oct 2020

DataPLANT extends the Call-for-ARC to the wider community

The Annotated Research Context (ARC) is a conceptual combination of experimental data with associated annotation, metadata and description of computational workflows. It aims both as structuring the workflows on the local desktop of the user, allow for sharing and versioning and finally be the base of a data publication. The ARC covers the complete research cycle and includes experiment data described with the ISA model, reference knowledge, computational steps like software, code and ...

21 Sep 2020

DataPLANT: First General Assembly

On 21st September the DataPLANT participants gathered online to officially meet for the First General Assembly of the consortium. More then 40 people participated and discussed in the two hours session. At the beginning the DataPLANT mission got refined and explained and how it fits into the NFDI general objectives. The NFDI intends to build a national, sustainable data infrastructure for disciplinary sciences. All successful consortia will enjoy a funding for five years initially. After a successful...

11 Sep 2020

DataPLANT governance: First round of board meetings held

During the beginning of September the board meetings were held, starting with the Senior ManagementBoard followed both by the Scientific and Technical bards. The first round of meetings got chaired bythe speaker, future meetings will be coordinated by a board chair supported by the office. It was decided to make the relevant informationtransparent; thus the slides and minutes are directly available via the linked PDFs. All information presented and decisions made will be made public in the future ...

31 Aug 2020

DataPLANT pre kick-off coordination meeting

The (co-)applicant group of DataPLANT (speakers of the consortium) met in Annweiler/Trifels from Thursday to Saturday (27th till 29th August) to discuss the kick-off of the governance and to prepare the various boardmeetings which will be held in the coming weeks. The senior menagement board will have it's inaugural meeting the 3rd September, followed by the scientific and technical board meetings. These meetings are part of the NFDI and DataPLANT community governance. The coordination ...

26 Aug 2020

DataPLANT took part in the 1st NFDI strategic workshop

DataPLANT participated in the first NFDI strategy workshop initiated and coordinated by the NFDI directorate. The workshop intended to find joint solutions and to tackle the further development of the NFDI focusing on cross-cutting topics. Not every cross-cutting issue is necessarily dealt with to the same extent by all consortia. DataPLANT e.g. indicated to cooperate on Research Data Commons (Infrastructures), (Meta)Data, findability, provenance, quality management and assurance as well as legal ...

9 Jul 2020

DataPLANT participated in the 2nd NFDI conference

DataPLANT - a NFDI initiative focused on fundamental plant research - participated in the NFDI Conference 2020 held on 8th and 9th July 2020 online. DataPLANT was presented beside all the other consortia proposed for funding or in the planning stage. The presentations gave the respective intentions and scientific communities supported in parallel tracks. The abstracts contain an overview on the consortium and the scientific communities addressed as well as information on the focus, user needs ...

26 Jun 2020

DataPLANT's funding got granted by the GWK / Kick-Off in Progress

DataPLANT has been informed that the Joint Science Conference (GWK) has followed the recommendation of the NFDI Expert Panel and today decided to support the NFDI 7/1 DataPLANT proposal. Furthermore, it was informed that the GWK has not yet made a final decision on the amount of funding to be granted per consortium. This decision will be taken on the basis of a consultation of the NFDI expert panel, which will take place on 9 July. An official ...

16 Jun 2020

DataPLANT signs the ''Leipzig-Berlin-Erklärung zu NFDI-Querschnittsthemen der Infrastrukturentwicklung''

DataPLANT is a co-signatory of the Leipzig-Berlin Declaration on NFDI Cross-Sectional Issues in Infrastructure Development and regards this joint document as the basis for the necessary mutual coordination based on sustainable processes and structures. For example, topics that are relevant to several expert consortia are to be worked on cooperatively and across individual consortia in the interests of sustainable interoperability. Further questions from the areas of infrastructure, integration of ...

19 May 2020

Positive vote of the reviewer panel to the DataPLANT application

Yesterday, on 18 May, the announced decision of the NFDI Selection Committee's panel of experts reached us. In this decision, which has yet to be confirmed by the GWK on June 26, DataPLANT was recommended for funding along with eight other consortia. We are pleased that we have been able to successfully follow our vision for RDM in fundamental plant research together with you and hope that we will master the last mile as well. Further feedback on the grant application is announced for August at ...

28 Feb 2020

Reply to the reviewer panel's protocol sent to the DFG

Today the DataPLANT consortium sent the three pages reply to the reviewers remark and used the chance to clarify a couple of open questions. We got a quite positive feedback on our concept of data stewards as a central support element to the fundamental plant research community. This core element makes the training and recruitment of suitable people a central task of the DataPLANT consortium. The successful training of the Data Stewards essentially requires basic skills in the standardized ...

11 Feb 2020

DataPLANT advised on grant application and discusses compensation models with participants

The NFDI starts to shape the future scientific landscape and should be taken into account when planning research projects and cooperations. Together with a participant, the "Plant Genome and Systems Biology" group at the Helmholtz-Zentrum München DataPLANT discussed possible forms of support regarding both infrastructure services and consulting. Such cooperations would require agreed upon compensation models. Both parties acknowledged the fact of challenges regarding cost compensation models ...

10 Feb 2020

DataPLANT receives positive feedback from the DFG, but still work ahead

DataPLANT was present at the 3rd NFDI Community Workshop - Services for Research Data Management in Neuroscience hosted at the 10th Februar at Ludwig Maximilians University Munich to exchange with other NFDI consortia and discuss common topics like infrastructure provisioning. The NFDI4Neuro as well as the NFDI4BIMP intend to hand in their proposals in this year's round of applications. The main topic of this community workshop was the exchange on infrastructure for the NFDI and especially ...

13 Jan 2020

DataPLANT receives positive feedback from the DFG, but still work ahead

BioDATEN and DAplus+ are jointly involved in the nationwide NFDI process with DataPLANT Consortium (in the area of Fundamental Plant Research). End of January the review of the DFG assessment of the of the application and the oral presentation in Bonn (Link to the older message) in early December arrived. The reviewers gave a widely positive feedback, from which we deduce that DataPLANT is still in the group for consideration of funding. We would like to thank our collaborators from the Galaxy ...

9 Dec 2019

DataPLANT NFDI application defended in Bonn

DataPLANT was initiated by BioDATEN in Baden-Wuerttemberg and DaPLUS of Kaiserslautern and Jülich to create a NFDI consortium on fundamental plant research. It took part in the next round together with other consortia like NFDI4AGRI, NFDI4Earth and NFDI4BioDiversity. On the 2nd and 3rd of December 2019 the DataPLANT consortium has been in Bonn and presented and defended the NFDI application. The perceived feedback on the first day was quite positive. On the second day, we received in a ...

18 Oct 2019

Next step in the NFDI building process: Grant application submitted

On Tuesday the 15th October the DataPLANT NFDI consortium submitted it's proposal to the DFG. The consortium in Fundamental Plant Research consists of roughly 30 participants including universities and large research institutions distributed over the country. A significant proportion of the participants originate from Baden-Württemberg and the BioDATEN Science Data Center. Further co-applicants are the Technical University of Kaiserslautern and the Forschungszentrum Jülich. The central aim of ...

30 Aug 2019

Participation in the NFDI governance workshop in Bonn

A colleague from Freiburg took part in the NFDI Governance workshop hosted by the DFG in Bonn. The objectives of the workshop were the discussion of possible legal forms for the NFDI structure and giving an overview of the steps up to the application date of 15th October 2019. In the morning there was a presentation by a consulting law firm, which was mandated by the DFG to examine possible paths of governance and legal models. In the afternoon, questions were discussed under moderation by DFG ...

5 Jul 2019

Forming the consortium in the NFDI process: DaPLUS+ and BioDATEN Science Data Center

Together with colleagues from Tübingen, Konstanz, Freiburg, Heidelberg, ... parts of the BioDATEN community joined forces with the DaPLUS+ consortium from Kaiserlautern, Jülich and Düsseldorf to paticipate in the process to create a National Research Data Infrastructure. The newly formed consortium centers around plant data in bioinformatics and handed in a binding "Letter of Interest. In modern hypothesis-driven science, researchers increasingly rely on effective research data management services and ...

30 May 2019

The Berlin Memorandum on cross-cutting topics

A colleague from Kaiserslautern joined the event co-organized by other NFDI consortia in Berlin.

15 May 2019

BioDATEN" and "DaPLUS+" at NFDI conference in Bonn

Both the not yet started Science Data Center "BioDATEN" and the DaPLUS+ initiative were present at the two days NFDI conference held in mid of May in Bonn. The Science Data Center BioDATEN - Bioinformatics DATa ENvironment is a community effort in standardization, services and sustainable research data management. It plans to combine the tools and services provided in frameworks like Galaxy with efforts towards standardization and research data management. DaPLUS+ was formed by colleagues in ...