Q&A and Wrap-up Day1

Preparation for next day

  • Please try to prepare your own ARC
  • Please install SWATE


DataPLANT (nfdi4plants)

Website: https://nfdi4plants.org/
Knowledge Base: https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/
DataHUB: https://git.nfdi4plants.org

GitHub: https://github.com/nfdi4plants
HelpDesk: https://helpdesk.nfdi4plants.org

💡 You can help us by raising issues, bugs, ideas...

Overview of Institutional services at UoC and HHU




- Invite participants to give feedback - If feasible, collect transparently on a board or in a markdown pad, etc. # Five-Finger-Feedback ...was too short | I'm happy with... | I did not like at all ...| This idea or advice was good: ... | I really liked ... ---|---|---|---|--- ... | ... | ... | ... | ...