Democratization of plant research.

Made easy and free

for everyone!

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our mission

Driving the digital change in plant science

DataPLANT’s mission is to provide a sustainable and well annotated data management platform for plant sciences. DataPLANT will pave the way from classical paper publication to pure data publication including the annotated research context

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the community

Fundamental research in plant science

DataPLANT is primarily geared towards the needs of fundamental plant research (e.g. those represented by the DFG categories 202-[01 evolution and systematics of plants and animals, 04 plant physiology, 05 plant biochemistry and biophysics, 06 plant cell and developmental biology, 07 plant genetics]. As such DataPLANT is especially adapter to large scale data sets be it omics science or imaging and is ready to store petabaytes of annotated data.

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annotated research context

Understanding ARC publications

DataPLANT will allow users to store their data in form of an annotated research context. This includes not only the measurement data, but also (meta)data annotations, tools, and scripts. This will allow reproducibility plus to forward “raw data” and metadata slices to public repositories (e.g. EBI NCBI etc.).

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Building the DataPLANT infrastructure and service landscape

DataPLANT’s mission is service standing on the shoulders of giants. As such it relies on existing IT infrastructure and builds user-oriented services. DataPLANT wants to break the paradigm of “we are a --- mandated provider so you have to live with our tools where even IT experts get gray hair when submitting data” to “we understand that annotating data and providing metadata takes precious and we are in it together so let’s make this as easy as possible”.

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18 Jun

DataPLANT applies for continuation within the scope of the 2nd funding phase of the NFDI

On June 18 2024, DataPLANT sent the letter of intent to the DFG, which is the prerequisite for submitting a follow-up proposal. We plan to largely retain the structure of the task areas, but make adjustments in a few areas. We are aiming to involve the community more closely, following the reviewers' recommendations for focus and consolidation. For this reason, the community has been expanded regarding the number of participants and participating institutions. It is intended to provide geostrategic coverage and data steward support...

5 Jun

Meeting of Coordinators and PIs with Developers in DataPLANT and NFDI4BIOIMAGE Projects

In the beginning of June we had a lively discussion on the current status of development in Virtual Infrastructure ontop of OpenStack and options for tighter collaborations between NFDI consortia following the Management Circle meeting of the NFDI in Freiburg. The exchange focused on...

4 Jun

NFDI Management Circle meets in Freiburg

On June 4-5 the NFDI Management circle met in Freiburg. We discussed workflows and collaborations within the NFDI as well as between and within our consortia...

28 May

Connecting helpdesks in Geo-Chem-Lifescience

DataPLANT connected with other consortia from the Geo-Chem-Lifesciences field in Bremen on May 27-28. We discussed helpdesks models and support structures